Shiyazi Hydro Power Project In Guizhou Province China

Shiyazi Hydro Power Project In Guizhou Province China

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
Shiyazi 140MW Hydro Power Project (here after referred to as “the proposed project”) is a diversion type hydropower station which locates in Meilin canyon lying between Daping town and Baicun town, Wuchuan Country, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, China. The proposed project total installedcapacity is 140MW (2×70MW), the design of quoted discharge is 145 m3/s, thus the power density the project will be 17.4 W/m2. The estimated annual operation time of the proposed project is 3416h and the average electricity generated is 478,200 MWh and the expected annual feed-in electricitythe grid is 467,300MWh. The electricity generated by the proposed project will meet the electricity demand of industrial and agricultural production and Zunyi City people’s life, assume the task adjust the peak in the local grid, and finally is delivered to China Southern Power Grid (CSPG).


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