Inner Mongolia Jingneng Saihan Wind Farm Phase I Project

Inner Mongolia Jingneng Saihan Wind Farm Phase I Project

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

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Project description
Inner Mongolia Jingneng Saihan Wind Farm Phase I Project (hereinafter referred to as the proposed project) is to utilize wind resources for electricity generation through the construction of a wind farm with a total capacity of 49.5 MW and a 220 kV substation in Saihantala Town, Suniteyou Qi, Xilinhot City, Xilinguole League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, P.R.China.The electricity generated from the project will be sold to West Inner Mongolia Power Grid, an integral part of the North China Power Grid. The estimated annual net electricity output and average annual emission reductions of the proposed project are 124.497 GWh and 131,331tCO2e, respectively. The proposed project is a grid-connected renewable energy project.


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