Reforestation And Restoration Of Degraded Mangrove Lands, Sustainable Livelihood And Community Development In Myanmar

Reforestation And Restoration Of Degraded Mangrove Lands, Sustainable Livelihood And Community Development In Myanmar

Blue Carbon

Verified project

Project details

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Project description
The proposed project falls under the ARR (Afforestation, reforestation, and Revegetation) category of the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). The project will be implemented on 2265.47 ha of degraded lands of the Northern part of Ayeyarwady Division of Myanmar. The lands that will be restored under the project belong to Magyi, Thabawkan and Thaegone village tracts and this restoration will create a healthy mangrove ecosystem. The objective of the project is to establish and maintain a sustainably managed mangrove ecosystem for carbon sequestration, natural disaster risk reduction, poverty reduction with sustainable livelihoods in the coastal communities. A vital component of the project is the conservation of bio-diversity and establishment of the first mangrove gene bank in Myanmar. This project was open for public comment from 12 June - 12 July 2017. Comments that were received are summarized in the public comment summary (OTHER_1694_11JUL2017)..


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