Solar Grouped Project By Acme Group (Ekiesl-VCS-Aug-16-01)

Solar Grouped Project By Acme Group (Ekiesl-VCS-Aug-16-01)

Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
The proposed grouped project activity is a step towards supporting the implementation and installation of grid connected renewable energy power plants in India. The implementation of grouped project activity ensures energy security, diversification of the grid generation mix and sustainable growth of the electricity generation sector in India. The main goal of grouped project activity is to implement renewable energy projects in the country and the significant importance of revenues from sale of Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) to achieve this goal forms the basis of the implementation of this grouped project activity. The grouped project activity is a voluntary action and each SPV will be the coordinating / Managing Entity (CME) or Project Proponent for all the project activity Instances. ACME Group as a parent company formed different SPV (Special Purpose Vehicles) for solar projects and projects are developed by name of SPVs. There are no mandatory laws or regulations existing in India requiring PP or any other party to develop a programme for renewable generation plants. The grouped project activity will support the development of new grid-connected renewable energy power plants in India and will cover the solar energy technologies. It seeks to enable investment in large and small grid connected plants that export their generated output to the regional / national electricity grid in India. The implementation of these technologies currently faces various technological, institutional and financial barriers.


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