Yunnan Kunming Liangqu Improved Forest Management Project

Yunnan Kunming Liangqu Improved Forest Management Project


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Project details

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Project description
The Yunnan Kunming Liangqu Improved Forest Management Project is located in Lianhe Township and Zhuanlong Town, Kunming City, Yunnan Province,P.R.C. It is implemented by Kunming Yuming Investment Development Co., Ltd. to protect the once logging forest. The project is implemented in Lianhe Township and Zhuanlong Town. The project has 6,879.2ha commercial forest, of which 1,425.1 and 5,454.1ha belongs to Lianhe and Zhuanlong Town respectively. Before the implementation of the project, the forest within the project area was designed and planted as commercial forest. The main object of the project is to improve the forest coverage rate, protect local ecological environment, reduce carbon emissions and carbon sequestration by enhance the management level and converse logged to protected forest within the project area. The implementation of the project will result in significant carbon sequestration and improve the sustainable development of ecological system.


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