Jiangsu Dongtai Phase II Wind Power Project

Jiangsu Dongtai Phase II Wind Power Project

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

Project key
Project description
The objective of the Project is to sell into the East China Power Grid. The Project activity will achieve the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions by avoiding CO2 emissions from the business-as-usual scenario, the electricity generation of those fossil fuel-fired power plants connected into the East China Power Grid.The Project involves the installation of 100 turbines, each of which have a capacity of 2000kW, providing a total installed capacity of 200MW. The annual operating hours of the proposed project are 2030 hours and it is expected to generate 406,0201 MWh per year to be sold into the Jiangsu Power Grid, which is part of the East China Power Grid, and generate emission reductions for 338,010 tCO2e annual average.


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