Jiangxi Province Le'An County Forest Farm Carbon Sink Project

Jiangxi Province Le'An County Forest Farm Carbon Sink Project


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Project description
The Project involves the improved forestry management, such as conversion of logged to protection forest whose carbon credit rights owned by Beijing Shengdahuitong Carbon Management Co., Ltd. The forestry management conversion includes 7,746.7 ha logged to Protected Forest (LtPF) spreading over Jinzhu department, Zhaoxie department, Zengtian department, Niutian department, Shipi department, Gongxi department; Huping Harvest-Nuture department, Shipi Harvest-Nuture department and Zhaoxie Harvest-Nuture department. All these departments are state-owned forests and have the legal right to forest ownership. The conversion started from 01/01/2006, and then all the forestry are protected as non-commercial forestry and reduce the GHG emissions as anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks for about 2,877,745 tCO2e in 30 years.


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