Henan Xinxiang 24MW Biomass Based Cogeneration Project

Henan Xinxiang 24MW Biomass Based Cogeneration Project


Verified project

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Project description
The Henan Xinxiang 24MW Biomass based Cogeneration Project(hereafter, the project ) is located in Huixian County of Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China, and was implemented by Xinxiang Tianjie Bio-Power Generation Co., Ltd. The project scenario is: the installation of 2*12MW cogeneration plants based on biomass residues; the generation of electricity with 126,709 MWh/yr supplied into Central China Power Grid (hereinafter as CCPG); the generation of heat with 909,200GJ/yr; and the utilization of biomass residues for cogeneration of power and heat. The project don¡¯t claim the emission reductions due to displacement of heat, therefore, this project will achieve GHG emissions reduction by displacing the equivalent electricity generated by CCPG with biomass residues fired cogeneration plant which has lower CO2 emission. In addition, CH4 emissions will be reduced by avoiding dumping of biomass residues. As a result, the project is estimated to achieve 123,858 tCO2e emission reductions annu


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