Guazhou Beidaqiao No.1 Wind Farm Project In Gansu Province, China

Guazhou Beidaqiao No.1 Wind Farm Project In Gansu Province, China

Renewable Energy

Verified project

Project details

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Project description
Guazhou Beidaqiao No.1 Wind Farm Project in Gansu Province, China (hereinafter referred to as ¡°the project¡±) is located in Guazhou County, Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, China. The primary objective of the proposed project is to generate renewable electricity to meet the everincreasing demand in the Gansu Grid and Northwest China Power Grid (NWPG). The proposed project will install 67 sets of SL1500 wind turbine units and 67 sets of GW1500 wind turbine units at the proposed project site, with a capacity of 1,500 kW per unit. The total installed capacity is 201MW. Dependent on the reliability of the local wind resource, the proposed project is expected to supply 461,464 MWh of electricity annually to the NWPG. In the absence of the proposed project, electricity demand will be met by existing capacity and new installations of the NWPG, which is dominated by thermal power plants.


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